We planted some more today, and checked on a lot of our little plants. Here’s what’s growing around here…

Provider greenbeans (first planting of three so far)

Baby pepper plants: bell peppers, cayennes, jalapenos, and aji.

Jason harvesting some greens for the chicken soup!

Baby paste tomato plants and their friend, basil!

Oregano and thyme that came back strong from last year’s planting.

Spearmint… What a wonderful smelling intruder!

Beans round 2.

The tomatillos are looking great!


Our little garden pond, beloved by fish, frogs, and our flowering comfrey plant.

This year we’re growing our Irish potatoes in straw instead of in the groind… Should be easier to harvest!

Our cilantro went to seed very early this year!

Thyme in a tire… What a perfect planter!

A bed of snow peas, green onions, and carrots.

Snow peas!

A beautiful, volunteer chia plant. What symmetry!