KW Homestead

Pasture Raised Poultry & Edible Landscaping Plants Since 2013

Tag: videos (page 1 of 8)

Early Turkey Reservations Pay Off!

Sometimes it’s tough to think beyond this week, much less all the way to late November. We understand, and we promise that if you can plan ahead to Turkey Day, it’ll pay off—big time! There are 5 major reasons why reserving your heritage turkey early this holiday is a good idea, and the significant savings is perhaps the reason that’ll tickle your fancy the fastest. Your deposit also helps us care for the turkeys over the 7 or 8 months they free range our land, and you get special, exclusive updates about our turkey flock and the shenanigans they get into. Check out the video below for more information about why reserving your turkey early supports small farms like ours. We thank you!

Only 7 Weeks to Go…

If you’re not sure about if you’re hosting Thanksgiving or how many folks you’ll be serving, just know that you can still reserve your bird now and let us know these details later. We also offer frozen Christmas turkeys or turkeys that can be picked up after the New Year, if you just love turkey that much. Talk to us about your special circumstances and we’ll work with you to get your family fed!

How to Cook a Whole Chicken

The whole chicken is a wonderful and sometimes underrated portion of meat. It’s versatile and filled with all of those delicious bones that make your life a healthier one!

Join us for this brief video which features our favorite ways to cook a whole Red Ranger chicken, like oven roasted, made into a delicious soup, and more!

Evening Homestead Sounds

This video features our Red Ranger chickens settling down for the night, and the sounds of many of the other animals on our homestead: cows mooing in the distance and ducks quacking. What lovely sounds they make…

Spring 2018 Homestead Update

This time of year, things are really rocking around here. We thought we’d take this time to share with you some of the new happenings on the homestead… There’s lots to share!

  • All of our chicken and duck parts are back in stock! We’ve been working hard, herding birds from one pasture to another, to ensure that we’re all consuming the most delicious and humanely raised poultry around. Also, did you know that we have a new offering… Half-chickens?!?
  • Our Thanksgiving heritage turkeys are entering their “teenage” phase and have just discovered that their wings will take them places. This is the time when they become a little more crazy and difficult to manage… Sigh.
  • Most of our wild and cultivated edible plants are showing their true colors… The Methley plums, lambsquarter, and amaranth are looking particularly great right now.
  • This week we started experimenting with an AMAZING coffee (or tea) beverage, which has 2 duck eggs added (Don’t worry, the eggs cook in the hot liquid)! You can check out the delicious and easy details here.
  • We’ve been participating in 2 markets each Saturday, and this schedule will continue throughout summer. We’re also in the process of joining a few more Triad markets, so keep your eyes peeled for any updates about where we’ll be.

In this video, we share all of the new happenings here at KW Homestead! The turkeys are growing, all of our products are back in stock, and our fruit trees are making it big time! Plus, hear about our newest favorite breakfast treat and what we have planned for the future.

Methley Plum Tree @ KW Homestead

This video is a brief look at our Methley plum’s first year producing fruit for us. So exciting! The Methley is a self-fertile plum with a purple skin and purple/red flesh. We have Methleys for sale if you want a delicious, fruit-bearing tree of your own.

Dust Bathing Chicks @ KW Homestead

Our Red Ranger chicks are a few weeks old, and they absolutely love taking dust baths! Did you know that dust baths are super important? They prevent parasites such as mites and lice from finding a home in the chickens’ feathers! This video shows our awkward “teenaged” birds taking baths… Please forgive the loud goose honking that mostly covers my narration.

Free Range Ducks @ KW Homestead

This is a short video of some of our layer ducks, searching for snacks and doing what ducks generally do… Explore and eat!

Bird’s Eye Video: Toddler Turkeys in the Brooder

At a few weeks old, the poults have finally begun to act like turkeys: jumping around, hanging out in the food dish, trying to fly… We would consider them to be at the “toddler” age in turkey years, when they’re just starting to get into everything! This video shows how they’ve changed since being little fluff balls!

If this video has gotten you thinking about Thanksgiving, and you want to ensure that your Heritage Thanksgiving Turkey can be reserved at $9/lb, reserve today! The price goes up as the holiday season approaches, so act fast!

Red Ranger Chickens on Pasture

Our Red Ranger broiler chickens are truly pasture raised! They spend their days eating grass, bugs, and worms and ranging around through the greenery. Here’s a video of our newest batch of birds, taking time out in the heat of the day to relax.


Tour of the Bourbon Red Turkey Brooder

This video is a brief look at our nearly finished turkey brooder. It’s been outfitted to make it predator proof and easy to clean. The removable floor panels allows to easy access to install heat lamps and a pulley system will allow us to lower and raise these lights. Now, we await the cute (and often confused) turkey poults!

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