KW Homestead

Pasture Raised Poultry & Edible Landscaping Plants Since 2013

Tag: clothes and gear

hibernation vacation: preparing for the winter storm!

currently at our house in stokes county, it is snowing! it has been snowing for the past few hours and we’ve already accumulated 1.5 inches.

our expected snowfall total: 6 to 10 inches, with perhaps a layer of sleet to top it all off. extreme! at least for central north carolina.


today’s snow storm, in progress

so far this year we’ve gotten a few other small snow storms, but nothing that can compare to what weather sources anticipate we’ll see today and tomorrow.


emma checking on the chickens after the snow 2 weeks ago


a few chickens come out to explore the winter wonderland







and while jason and i read, watch the snow, and research more plants that we want to plant in the spring, we’re also preparing in case of a power outage.

what we’ve done so far today:


collecting water in tubs and buckets in case of a power outage

  • i filled up a large rubber bathtub with water so that we can flush the toilet if the power goes out. i also filled up a 5-gallon bucket with water to use for chicken and dog water, even though if things become really crazy we can always thaw a bowl of snow for the birds. we’ve done this is because we have a well and the well pump needs electricity to operate.
  • i filled up a few gallons of water and our tea pot for our drinking water. considering that we have juices and milks in the fridge, i imagine we’ll fare just fine even in a worst case scenario.

storing drinking water in gallon jars

  • we have plenty of non-perishable food items (such as canned meats and canned vegetables).
  • jason made a venison stew last night that we will enjoy all day today and tomorrow (recipe forthcoming)
  • we have an 800-watt duracell inverter that we can use to charge devices once it stores charge from one of our cars.
  • we have plenty of candles (both real ones and battery powered candles) and many flashlights and extra batteries.
  • we also have headlamps and these amazing, warm hats with a light built in that jason’s mom got us for christmas!

later today we plan on cooking a few more items to have some ready-to-eat things available. some of these include:

  • lots of popcorn for a snack
  • basil beer bread, made with our very own basil and a beer jason brewed (recipe forthcoming)
  • pasta… filling, versatile, and not likely to go bad anytime soon even if it’s unrefrigerated for a day or two.

animal tracks on our frozen pond from our snow 2 weeks ago

otherwise we plan to lay low, watch the olympics, and read. the dogs and cat are spending time with us, sleeping and playing with (or thoroughly annoying) each other. the chickens will be fine in their house and since the wind isn’t blowing as of now, they will remain dry and warm. later today, we plan to go for a walk and check out our snow-covered pond to see which animals may have been walking over it lately.

so, if it’s snowing where you are, think of safety and prepare, but don’t panic (no driving to the store now!) and enjoy your hibernation vacation!


kuska wiñasun gear: jason’s new hat!

i made jason a new hat for his birthday! i was really excited about my gift to him this year because his birthday is right around new year’s day, the same time that we began the our ochre way website adventure.

i bought a plain hat and embroidered it with kuska wiñasun homestead. i was proud of the design and how i was actually able to make the words look the way i wanted them to! since i am an inexperienced seamstress (to say it nicely), i was so excited about my accomplishment that my sewing adventure ended with me breaking out in song.


jason’s birthday hat!

this year will be a great year for us on kuska wiñasun homestead. we have a lot of exciting things planned and a lot of hopes for our farm and gardens. and with our wedding happening at the end of september, we have a lot to look forward to as we grow together.

coveralls: a woman’s favorite garb

coveralls. oh, coveralls. i would not be the woman i am today without coveralls!

i grew up seeing my father wear them outdoors in the winter time, and when i bought a scooter in adulthood i used a pair as my safety gear and also as my dog-walking-in-winter outfit when i lived in an urban setting.

my lovely coveralls, hanging by the door and ready to be donned

my lovely coveralls, hanging by the
door and ready to be donned

i feel like women are less frequent wearers of coveralls than men (especially in public), and i can understand why. firstly, wearing coveralls disguises your body shape and on your worst days might make you feel like you are wearing a sack. otherwise, they are associated with mechanics and other laborers, and thus usually thought of as masculine attire.

despite what might drive a woman to think they aren’t the best option for her, i urge you (women and men) to rethink their value as an article of clothing! the coveralls that are quilted inside are extremely warm in the wintertime and one can simply wear pajamas (or even nothing, as i’ve done before) under them when completing outside winter homestead chores. they also serve the dual purpose of protecting your underclothes from mud or dirt. i often wear my nice work clothes under them in the morning during my chore routine without worrying at all about ruining the garments underneath. super convenient!

not to mention, anytime something happens outside that deserves immediate attention (i.e. an attack on our chickens in the middle of the night), it takes less than 30 seconds to be fully suited up and ready to run out the door.

emma, suited up and ready to face the winter chill

emma, suited up and ready to
face the winter chill

coveralls beat the value of a coat hands down because they don’t allow any drafts to blow up under your clothes, as a coat might. often they have double hip pockets, where one pocket allows access to the pockets of your clothes beneath and the other holds things as any pocket should.

i often collect eggs in my coveralls, placing up to 12 eggs in the breast pockets of the suit.

to me, coveralls are a convenience, a coziness, and my very favorite garb. if i woke up one morning and couldn’t find them hanging in their usual spot, i would have a foul day indeed.

coveralls to the rescue!



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