KW Homestead

Pasture Raised Poultry & Edible Landscaping Plants Since 2013

Tag: animal ailments

How To Remedy a Chicken’s Prolapsed Vent


Bryn in solitary

One of our bantam hens, Bryn, was having some health issues a few weeks ago…

Her vent had prolapsed! For those of you don’t know, a chicken’s vent is where the eggs come from, as well as all the other things expelled from a chicken’s body! So having a prolapsed vent means that all of those things hang outside of the body and the chicken has trouble pooping and laying an egg becomes terrible.

prolapsed vent

A prolapsed vent… NOT pretty!

A couple reasons why this can happen…

  • Older hens lose muscle tone in this area
  • A particularly tough egg can do damage on its way out
  • Poor nutrition or lack of proper supplements or diet

A couple things that are important to do if this happens…

  • As soon as possible, separate the hen from the others so other hens don’t pick at the red, raw area.
  • Try to limit her light since the length of the day makes hens want to begin laying or continue laying.
  • Make sure she has access to proper food for healing.

Even if you do the above…

  • She might get an infection and die.
  • The vent might not retract on its own, which means you’ll need to help her out!

After doing some research, I learned that cleaning her vent area, applying witch hazel, and gently pushing her vent back inside is helpful and might work at getting her back in good health. I tried this 4 times and her vent stayed inside for a few minutes, but then popped back out. She wasn’t showing any signs of infection, was acting like herself, and hadn’t layed any eggs since being in solitary, so I didn’t want to give up her even though my tactics weren’t working!


Bryn getting her butt bathed…



Working on her vent…

I spoke with my dad and he reminded me about the medicinal magic of the plantago plant, which is great at fighting infection but also great at tightening and causing retraction. We thought it would work!

So this time I:

  • Washed her vent area really well with warm water
  • Chewed up a couple large plantain (plantago) leaves and spit the juice and the leaf peices around and onto her vent
  • Used my smallest finger to gently push her vent back inside her body and hold it there for a little while

Drying her off…

We kept her in the solitary cage for a few more days, and saw that in those days her vent continued to look better and had not popped back out again! She was reintroduced to the flock and has been fine ever since!

So if your chicken has a prolapsed vent, we recommend plantago!



chicken birth anomalies, part 3: a chick who needed help hatching

despite having a really great hatching experience for our first batch of chicks, there were still some anomalies in our new population of chicks. of course we’ve had some chicks who took longer to hatch then others, or some chicks that appear to be smaller (a little more runty) than the others, but this is to be expected. no chick is the same, of course!

beyond these “average uniquenesses” among our chicks, three particular anomalies stand out from this experience:

  1. a chick born with part of her yolk sac unabsorbed
  2. a chick born with an underdeveloped leg
  3. a chick that actually needed help hatching

i want to describe these three different anomalies and how we’ve dealt with them/plan to deal with them. this post focuses on the third…

anomaly #3: 

the very last chick that was born in this bunch was born with my assistance. he was born over 3 days after the beginning of the hatch was supposed to begin, and it had been 24 hours since the next-to-last chick had been born naturally.


the inside of the incubator, looking rather empty near the end of the hatch.

just a reminder, all of the other chicks were born naturally, by themselves, without any intervention from me at all. and this is the way it should be, since nature can almost always do “its thing” without any major issues. chicks need to be born based on their own timing. sometimes they need a little extra time to absorb all of the yolk sac into their abdomen (from which they are provided with enough nourishment for a few days and do not need food or water). other times they are still absorbing all of their blood (that was once coursing through the vessels inside of the egg). you should always try not to intervene, and only do so as a last resort.

this is what happened with chick #22. he had pipped through his shell over 24 hours before, pipping all the way around the perimeter. in the previous hatches i witnessed, once this “perimeter pip” happened, it took about 30 minutes for the chick to come busting into the world. but chick #22 was still inside, 24 hours later. i checked him out a few times, moving his egg, and could still hear him peeping inside… a good sign! hoping that a poke or two might motivate him and get him going again, i was disappointed when it didn’t.

so i looked closer… the membrane directly inside the shell had dried out, and was not moist and flexible as it had been during the other hatches. since he was the last one in the incubator (besides 2 other eggs that we later determined had died during development and were not viable anymore), i wondered if him drying out had anything to do with all of the other chicks (and their moistness) being removed. the humidity reading on the incubator still said it was normal inside, but you never know what was happening inside his shell.

after doing some research, i learned that if a chick’s membrane dries out too much, it might get stuck to the chick and keep it from moving around in its shell and being able to break free. it was clear that this is what happened to chick #22.

broken egg shells

some of the hatched egg shells from the chicks before chick #22. see the membranes inside?

so, i washed my hands, got a knife and a damp cloth, and opened up the incubator. i worked fast so that the little dude wouldn’t get chilled. using my knife, i slipped the very tip into the opening of the shell and pulled outwards, gently. this pulled part of the shell away and allowed me to peel the rest of the shell pieces away with my hands alone. before i fully removed a shell piece, i had to see if it was “glued” to the little chick before i pulled it away–since chicks have very sensitive skin and i didn’t want to hurt him!

a few of the pieces were stuck to the chick, pinning his body and head in a certain position. as i worked, i could tell that i was saving the chick’s life, since he was way too stuck in there and would not have been able to peck or kick his way the rest of the way into life.

where shell pieces were glued to him, i used my damp cloth to wipe at the spot until they came free, and then moved on to the next spot. once he was free, i tried to dry him off a little bit, and then i closed the lid to the incubator and cranked up the temperature to 100 degrees to warm him up and dry him off. he seemed just fine in there, acting the way all the other chicks had acted after hatching. i left him in there until he had dried some, and then moved him to see the rest of his siblings under the heat lamp. thinking about how he had been in his shell (potentially using up 24 hours worth of his nutrient-dense yolk supply ),i didn’t want to risk keeping him in the incubator too long without food or water.

so that’s the story of how i got to be a chicken midwife, and man was it super fun! i’m not too cool to admit that i was way proud of myself afterwards! next up on my wish list… being a midwife to mammals!



chicken birth anomalies, part 2: an underdeveloped leg

despite having a really great hatching experience for our first batch of chicks, there were still some anomalies in our new population of chicks. of course we’ve had some chicks who took longer to hatch then others, or some chicks that appear to be smaller (a little more runty) than the others, but this is to be expected. no chick is the same, of course!

beyond these “average uniquenesses” among our chicks, three particular anomalies stand out from this experience:

  1. a chick born with part of her yolk sac unabsorbed
  2. a chick born with an underdeveloped leg
  3. a chick that actually needed help hatching

i want to describe these three different anomalies and how we’ve dealt with them/plan to deal with them. this post focuses on the second…

anomaly #2

when this chick was hatching  i didn’t notice anything different about it. it wasn’t until a day or two later, when the chicks stopped sleeping all the time and started moving around a lot more, that i realized that he didn’t move about like the others. he never used both legs and when he stood up, he usually fell/flopped over in order to move from place to place. i picked him up and realized that his right leg didn’t fully bend. although it looked like a normally developed leg, it seemed like he had something wrong with his bone that kept him from extending his leg past halfway. he could pull it all the way up under his body, but he could’t stretch it out fully.

after i realized that he needed some extra help, i went a little overboard and even designed a metal wire leg for him so that he could learn to walk… but i never used it. jason, rightfully so, convinced me that in the beginning of this life he needed to learn to cope with his disability if he was going to make it at all.

so we watched and waited. i picked him up every chance i got and made him drink water and tried to get him to eat. usually he would protest and not eat anything, but every now and again he would peck at the chick food. this concerned me until days later (he was still doing fine even though he was clumsy and rested a lot) i saw him stand up on one leg and hop/fall over to the food tray and prop himself up with a wing to eat! he’d figured it out after all!

i knew that if he could figure out how to eat, he could certainly figured out how to drink! he was tough, after all.

the video below shows him moving around his house… usually he hugs the wall and moves clockwise (with his bad leg side sticking out). although he moves this way most commonly, he still isn’t scared to move though the middle of the brooder for any reason.

he’s gotten better and better at hopping, and even though he is smaller than all the others (he gorges himself less and has to use more energy getting around), he seems very smart! he usually waits to eat until most of the the other chicks are resting so he has time and space to get what he needs. and… no other chicks are picking on him, even though his foot sticks out sideways. sometimes others will peck at it to see what it is, but never more than once or twice.

one thing that has changed since the first week-and-a-half: his leg no longer beds at all, even towards his body. the bones seems fused in one position… who really knows what happened?!

i’m really hoping he’s a rooster, so that i can have a one-legged rooster friend that rides around on my shoulder! i’ve even started writing a children’s book and he is one of the main characters’ sidekicks and best friends.


chicken birth anomalies, part 1: an unabsorbed yolk sac

despite having a really great hatching experience for our first batch of chicks, there were still some anomalies in our new population of chicks. of course we’ve had some chicks who took longer to hatch then others, or some chicks that appear to be smaller (a little more runty) than the others, but this is to be expected. no chick is the same, of course!

beyond these “average uniquenesses” among our chicks, three particular anomalies stand out from this experience:

  1. a chick born with part of her yolk sac unabsorbed
  2. a chick born with an underdeveloped leg
  3. a chick that actually needed help hatching

i want to describe these three different anomalies and how we’ve dealt with them/plan to deal with them. this post focuses on the first…

anomaly #1

the fourth chick that was born hatched with part of its yolk sac unabsorbed. i’ve mentioned this in previous posts about the chicks, but i’ll explain again… during the last few days of incubating, the chick begins to absorb the yolk sac that was external throughout the others stages of their development. they absorb it into their abdomen region and this allows them to last without food or water for a few days after they hatch. it also gives them the extra energy that they need to start pipping through their shells and busting into the world (a tiring task indeed). sometimes a chick’s timing if off and they hatch out before their bodies are actually ready. this happens way more often in artificially incubated eggs than eggs hatched under mother hens. another testament to nature always being better…

perhaps it was the temperature of the incubator or a temperature or humidity fluctuation that caused this one chick to think that it was the right time to be born, but part of the yolk was still dangling from its abdomen when it hatched.

unabsorbed yolk sac

part of the unabsorbed yolk sac

this chick acted totally fine and healthy after being born, but after doing some research we determined that it was best to keep her separate from the others until her dangley bits dried up and fell off. we did this for a day or two and gave her separate food and water.

the video above shows the chicks when they were about three days old, and you can see the little chicken in her own box under the heat lamp. if you look closely, you can see part of her yolk sac hanging underneath her.

after keeping her in her box for a few days, her yolk sac area was still not drying well and the areas was starting to smell very bloody. her sac was also beginning to partially dry against her stomach, and that whole area seemed sticky. she also seemed really “cheepy” (noisy and restless) and i became worried that she might get an infection in that area. i decided to apply some plaintain on her stomach and so i chewed up a batch and spit it on her stomach area.

we have no way of knowing if getting chilled, or refusing to eat and drink, or simply being sick was the reason why she died, but when i woke up the next morning i saw that she had died. later we put her in the wood stove so she could be cremated (this just seemed like a better idea in the winter than a burial).

another lesson learned from the animal world: not all things live. and although her death made me sad, i knew in my gut early on that she was probably going to die because of her birth defect. some things live and some things die, as always, and having 21 lively, goofball chicks running around as i write this, i am reminded that nature really has a great plan set up for living.


a chicken gets a spa vacation!

after the whirlwind of the wedding, i noticed that one of our bantam hens didn’t look so great. after i fed the chickens one day, i could see that she acted a little skittish around the others while everyone was eating, and her feathers looked patchy, revealing her bare skin on some places. based on her behavior, i expected that she was being picked on by the others (particularly the bantams). she didn’t seem confident enough to search out the more delicious scraps of food, and looked around the whole time she ate as though she expected to get jumped.

every now and again, one of the bantams will become an outcast for a little while, and i haven’t yet figured out why. there are certainly some dominant hens that peck at others if they want them out of the way while they’re eating, but i hadn’t seen this particular hen run up against any trouble.

look at bren's pretty feather pattern!

look at bren’s pretty feather pattern!

i decided to catch her and put her in solitary, the way we did with sola, a chicken so named for her sad, single tail feather. catching bren was easy. she was inside the house and it was simple to corner her and get her in the net. she struggled so much, though, that it took me a little while to untangle her. once she was caught, i was finally able to examine her feather problem. first of all, she looked healthy under all of the missing feathers. she didn’t appear to have mites or any cuts or open wounds. it is possible that she’d pulled out her own feathers so she could sit on eggs, but i hadn’t yet seen her sitting on a nest, so i wasn’t sure about that. where her feathers were missing, some were growing back, and since her feathers are dark, you can really see the way that feathers grow: emerging from the hard, clear tip of the feather like a flower opening its bloom!

bren's bare breast

bren’s bare breast


bren's feathers begin to return on her neck and chest...

bren’s feathers begin to return on her neck and chest…

for now, just to keep an eye on her, bren is in a cage by herself in the carport. i consider this the chicken spa since she gets all the food and water she wants and doesn’t get picked on at all (if that was the problem). we’ll let her spend some time in there until she grows some feathers back and then we’ll reintroduce her to the flock and see if things get a little better for her. for now, all she has to worry about is that big black dog that likes to jump at her cage as he walks by and that black cat who thinks that sleeping on top of the chicken cage is fun.

bren, enjoying her time in the chicken spa

bren, enjoying her time in the chicken spa


sick chicken?

when i went into the chicken pen today to collect eggs, it appeared that one of our bantam hens was feeling sick. i could see that she was walking around under the house (while almost everyone else was outside eating) and hunkering down low to the ground. she would wander a little and then stop and crouch, all the while holding her beak open and panting. later, when she came out from under the house for a little while, roosty tried to jump on her (you know why!) and she looked so beaten by this. she kept her head down on the ground for a while afterwards, looking asleep.

i decided to go get the net and catch her to check out how she was doing and to put her in her own little cage to give her a break from all the other chickens. i also wanted to quarantine her just in case she was contagious.

upon further inspection, i saw that some of her feathers were missing in places and she looked a little scraggly. i think this is due to old age (she’s one of the older hens my dad had a while before giving to us). but, i also noticed that the area around her vent was missing feathers, and there was a little bit of goo in the area. it just didn’t quite look right.

the hen's vent area. you can see that she is missing a lot of feathers.

the hen’s vent area. you can see that she is missing a lot of feathers.

our bantam hen, hanging out in her temporary cage.

our bantam hen, hanging out in her temporary cage.

i haven’t yet had the chance to look up more about what could be wrong with her, but in the meantime she is spending the night in the carport in her cozy little cage. she has food and water and a little roost bar. luckily, when i put her in the cage this afternoon, she livened up a good bit and walked around a bunch clucking. so, hopefully that is a good sign! tomorrow i’ll look into what her ailment might be, and go from there!


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