This week, we’re sending you some summer planting tips and answering a few questions you may have about the summer growing season!

We also wish you a happy holiday weekend and hope you enjoy it by celebrating in your favorite way… We imagine time spent eating with family and time in the garden? If you’re cooking up a special meal for the family, we’ve got your covered: chicken thighs, wings, and even whole birds are great for throwing on the grill! Or, if you aren’t grilling out, why not try something new to your tastebuds, like duck breast or chicken skin chips?

As always, you can swing by the Corner Farmers Market this Saturday from 9am-12pm to grab any of our poultry products (of which all are currently back in stock) or to pickup any plants that our nursery offers! We hope to see you tomorrow on the Fun Fourth!

Is It Too Late to Plant?

This is the big question of the season, and the one that we get asked the most!  The answer is no, it is not too late to plant! But, here’s the key: You have to be on top of watering. Any transplant shock that the plant experiences is only magnified by the heat and the drought stress. If you don’t think you can commit to babysitting your newly planted plants by watering them often and really keeping an eye on them, then you should wait until the cooler weather of fall to plant. 🌿

Make Sure to Water!

It’s pretty easy to forget to water during the busy summer and after we have long periods of rain, but young plants need adequate moisture to establish and thrive. Especially in the heat, this is extra important. If you’d like to cut down on watering a little bit, mulch can help conserve water by trapping in moisture and it also feeds the soil around your plant! With this heat, if you think your plant is in need of water, it probably is! You can also talk to us at the Corner Farmers Market on Saturday about more specific tips for determining if your green buddy is ready for a refill! 💦

Watch Out for Pests!

This is a big one during summer since bugs are out in full force—both good and bad ones! Early action can keep an infestation at bay, and avoid the use of toxic chemical pesticides. 🐛

Here’s a big tip: Think ecologically and increase your pollinator habitat! This means you should consider the entire ecosystem of your plant when battling pests… So, don’t kill predatory wasps that are a long-term, green control for invasive pests like Japanese beetles. Also, consider gentle treatments before you move onto the harsher ones, like soapy-vinegar water, diatomaceous earth, or neem oil. But, do you be careful with neem oil, as it will kill bees. 🐞

Is It Truly Turkey Time?

We’ve also been asked more often recently about if it’s time to sign up for one of our Thanksgiving Heritage turkeys, and the answer is yes! You can sign up with us in person or via our website—birds can currently be reserved at $10.50/lb. and require a $30 deposit to lock in your rate. If you reserve online, please let us know if you would like a tom (14-17 lbs) or a hen (7-9 lbs) when you reserve. Simply click on the blue button below to reserve now.