KW Homestead

Pasture Raised Poultry & Edible Landscaping Plants Since 2013

Spring Cleaning the Basement: Reclaiming the Space!

We recently just DEEP-cleaned the basement. And when I say deep-cleaned, I mean it!

Since the chicks lived down there for far too long and we finally just kicked them out, there was a lot of cleaning to do! They had kicked up so much pine-shaving-and-poop dust that we had to vacuum, spray down, or wipe down EVERY SINGLE THING in the basement, no joke. The Christmas ornaments that were hanging on the tree had to be dusted (it is another story entirely as to why we still had the tree up…), the ceiling had to be swept with brooms to clear it of “floof,” and every single plant was wiped down. Shall I go on…? Ahhh!

This took forever but we feel so great now that it is all sooooo clean down there. We even did some rearranging to get ourselves ready for planting, processing crops, and working in the kitchen down there.

The main hang out spce is now tree-free and ready for the ping pong table whenever we're ready to challenge each other to a duel!

The main hang out space is now tree-free and ready for the ping pong table whenever we’re ready to challenge each other to a duel!

We processed and placed the dried crops that were taking up so much of our work space, and we now have a work table free for crafts and other homestead necessities.


What an open space we have!

I am most excited about the kitchen, which has been super-scrubbed and the counters have been cleared off and made ready for dealing with any meats or food processing we plan to do. The dehydrator now has a permanent home and there is way more table space!


Downstairs kitchen!

And now for the big reveal… The bathroom. It was once a hotbed of chicken grossness, and now it is utterly clean and empty! Don’t be shocked by how much it looks like a torture chamber… It can’t help it… It was made that way! Clearly, it is unfinished and might remain so in order to use it for butchery or other activities like rinsing vegetables in bulk (it has a drain in the floor and we have a huge colander).


So clean (by dank and dark basement bathroom standards)!

It feels so great to already be ahead of the game on spring cleaning!



  1. Perhaps time to revisit your Amazon gift registry! Tax refund deposited there and itching to be used. Maybe brighter ‘washable’ paint etc to brighten your days. Was there a kitchen in basement for wedding? Don’t remember – am I losing it totally!

    • There is working kitchen in the basement. :) And we were thinking about painting down there sometime. Don’t laugh but we were thinking… Orange. Ha, ha!

  2. It looks great!!! I cant wait to see it!! Great job!!!!

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