KW Homestead

Pasture Raised Poultry & Edible Landscaping Plants Since 2013

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A 10 Tree Instant Apple Orchard of 10 Different Apple Varieties!

Last week Jason planted a 10 tree apple orchard for a family in Madison, and it’s chock full of heirloom apple varieties!

The family chose semi-dwarf apples trees, which will reach 12-16 feet tall at maturity, and they opted to add on metal cages to help protect against deer damage while the trees are immature.

Here are the varieties they selected:
🍎 Cinnamon
🍎 Granny Smith
🍎 Gala
🍎 Sansa
🍎 Arkansas Black
🍎 Grimes Golden
🍎 Liberty
🍎 Mutsu
🍎 Stayman
🍎 Fuji

This 10 Tree Instant Orchard service is available for you too, and if you have no clue how to get started or even what you’d like to plant, Jason can help with that, too! 10 Tree Instant Orchards are $875 for folks in the Greensboro/Winston-Salem/Madison area but we can travel almost anywhere to get you planted (additional mileage fees might apply).

Questions? Reach out by emailing us at!

Winter Is For Planning & Planting

It’s planting season, dontcha know!? And it’s been a busy one so far!

It might be a surprise that the coldest season is actually one of the best times for planting! Plants are dormant and don’t experience the same degree of transplant shock and they have all of winter to get settled into their new space before spring pops!

Jason has been busy planting a variety of exciting edible landscapes including a 10 tree apple orchard (with 10 different varieties) a polyculture food forest of 60+ edible plant varieties, and a foundation planting which substitutes edible plants for traditional landscaping ones.

Every planting project is unique because each site and land owner are one-of-a-kind. That’s truly the most fun part of the job… Piecing together the client’s vision and working with the sun, soil, and microclimates of each plot. Whether it’s a small project or a large one, the satisfaction comes from seeing it all click into place and knowing that year after year, it’ll just get bigger, better, and more bountiful. Exactly what growing your own food is all about!

Christmas & New Year’s Duck/Chicken + Last Minute Gifts!

Christmas & New Year’s Duck/Chicken + Last Minute Gifts!

🎅🏽 Tomorrow you can find us at Corner Farmers Market for the last market of 2023–there’s no market on December 30th, folks!

🥂 But don’t worry, the market will be back at it on January 6, 2024.

🦆 Don’t forget that tomorrow is your last chance to grab a whole duck or chicken for Christmas or New Year’s roasting, and to stock up on meat, eggs, and greens for the holiday break.

🎁 Last minute gifts abound… Like KW Homestead gift cards (good for plants, consultations, or anything), little tabletop Christmas trees, organic fertilizers, and don’t forget that seed packets make great stocking stuffers!

🖼 This week Uhtred’s Table is finally back at the market and he has some special, Christmas themed art to share! All of the $ raised at Uhtred’s Table goes to the market’s Green for Greens fund so purchasing an Uhtred original means you’re donating and getting art from an enthusiastic 6-year-old. Scroll down for a sneak peak…

Calling All Duck-Lovers!

Tomorrow is your last day to grab a whole duck for roasting this holiday with family! Whether you’re hosting a holiday get together or chowing down solo, a whole roasted duck really hits the spot. Stop by tomorrow and grab a pasture-raised, non-GMO-fed, Pekin duck!

Stocking Stuffer Seeds!

Seeds make great stocking stuffers and we know at least someone you love had a green thumb! Come on by and grab a unique seed packet or two to spice up your loved one’s gift bag or stocking.

Grab a Last Minute Christmas Tree!

This week we’ll still have a few fun, unique, and wild-foraged Christmas trees available at our little Christmas tree lot. We have table top trees and larger sizes, so if you still don’t have a tree we’ve got you covered!

Uhtred’s Christmas Art!

Uhtred will be selling his Christmas drawings this week to raise money for Green for Greens! He’ll also have a couple pictures featuring dragons, monsters, and even one Jack the Pumpkin King drawing. We hope you’ll stop by and say hi!

Gift Certificates for Plants, Plantings, & More!

Another great holiday gift idea for your loved ones who love plants, is a gift certificate/voucher for an Edible Landscaping Consultation!

Consultations can be scheduled any time in the year and last about 1.5-2 hours. They include a property walkthrough and a detailed back-and-forth planning discussion about what edible plants work best for a specific site/yard. Questions get asked, and answered—questions like:

🌳 What fruit trees will fit in my space?
🌳 What plants grow well in my shady areas?
🌳 Where should I install my annual garden?
🌳 How can I set up a native pollinator garden?
🌳 How can my berry bushes and chickens coexist?

Drop by The Corner Farmers Market tomorrow to purchase an Edible Landscaping Consultation voucher, or even an Instant Orchard voucher for folks who are ready to plant 5 or 10 fruit trees! Giving the gift of edible landscaping services means that you get to invest in the sustainability and food production of your loved ones—a gift that carries through the decades!

Copyright © 2023 KW Homestead, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
KW Homestead
1839 Dillard Road
Madison, NC 27025

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Last Chance Banana & Avocado Sale + Thanksgiving Cranberry Plants!


Last Chance Banana & Avocado Sale + Thanksgiving Cranberry Plants!

🥬 This week you can grab greens, potatoes, parsley, and more! Come on by our table to load up on fresh greens and to pick up or order your Thanksgiving duck and chicken!

🌞 If you’ve been considering a tropical plant and have room to overwinter your new green buddy inside or in a greenhouse, now is the time to take the plunge! We’ll have a limited number of these on-sale beauties on Saturday at the market so swing by and ask a few questions and get a few answers and plants! This week the tropicals that we have on sale are banana and avocado! 😉

🦆 We’re also sending out a reminder to reserve your Thanksgiving ducks and chickens, since the holiday is only 2 weeks away (can you believe it?). You can reserve your birds below or in person.

Grow Your Own Cranberries!

In honor of Thanksgiving, we’re rolling out the iconic cranberry plant! The cranberry is an easy, low maintenance, evergreen groundcover. It yields tart berries with the classic flavor we know and love.

Cranberry plants grow to be 6-10” tall and 2-3 ft. wide at maturity. They are partially self-fertile, but you’ll have increased yields with 2 plants. Cranberry plants don’t need to be grown in bogs or flooded fields! They prefer acidic soil, some shade, but can tolerate wetter locations.

Come grab a couple cranberry plants on Saturday The Corner Farmers Market—they are $15 each, or 2 for $25.

Highbush Cranberry!

And now we’re talking about the Highbush Cranberry!

The Highbush cranberry is a native shrub with pretty white flowers in the spring. The red, tart, cranberry-like fruits ripen in the fall and the leaves show lovely fall color—of vibrant red!

The Highbush cranberry is a great wildlife plant for birds and mammals, since the berries can hang on the tree until late into winter. It’s also loved by pollinators in spring, too!

It grows to 8-15 feet at maturity and is an easy-to-grow plant to add to your edible landscape.

Reserve a Thanksgiving Duck!
Reserve a Thanksgiving Chicken!

2 Weeks Till Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is only 2 weeks away! Now is the time to reserve your holiday duck and roasting chicken. Go ahead and grab those pasture raised, non-GMO fed birds by meeting us at the market to reserve in person today! Or you can simply click on the blue buttons above to reserve.

Last Week for Green Beans & 3 Weeks Till Thanksgiving

Last Week for Green Beans + 3 Weeks Till Thanksgiving!

🧺 After a whirlwind of a couple weeks, we’re back at the Corner Farmers Market this week with meat, veggies, seeds, and more! We’re so excited to see you again. 😄

🥬 This week you can grab greens, potatoes, and the very last of the green beans that we will have this year. Come on by our table and snag those beans before they get gone!

🥶 We’ve been working like crazy over here at the farm to get the nursery, the garden, and the animals ready for this cold snap. Check out this week’s email (below) for more details about all that’s been going on!

🦆 This week we’re also talking Thanksgiving ducks and chickens, since the holiday is only 3 weeks away! You can reserve your birds below.

Farm to Fancy & Halloween Fun!

Last weekend we went from farm to fancy in Philly (see above picture) and then back home to costumed crazy. Our trip up north is why you didn’t see us at the market last week, and we missed being there for the Halloween celebrations and seeing you all! But we had a great time at Jason’s family wedding (and returning home to the farm has also been nice), even though the last few weeks have been quite a whirlwind. After getting back to the farm we’ve been busy prepping for the cold weather and also wrangling all 3 kids (and us) into Halloween costumes. Check out our costumes in the picture below… With Jason as Loki, Emma as Sylvie (a Loki variant appearing alongside Loki in his self-titled show), Ghost Spider, Dracula, and Spider-Man.

Farm to Fancy & Halloween Fun!

After getting back from our whirlwind trip Philadelphia for a family wedding, it was time get the farm, plants, and animals ready for the cold snap…

One of the biggest projects has been moving the tropical plants inside and protecting the garden plants that need a little extra help getting through the cold. Our house currently looks like a jungle, filled with banana, avocado, kumquat, Meyer lemon, lime, and more tropical plants!

We’ve also had to prepare the hoses and our irrigation systems for the cold. That includes disconnecting the drip irrigation that we use for the nursery, and we’ve had to remove our water timers so that the mechanics don’t freeze. We also have to drain and deal with the hoses that we use to water the animals each night. There’s really a lot that goes into caring for plants and animals in the winter. And, although it’s not winter yet, this week sure is acting like it! Luckily, next week should be mild again but there’s nothing like a week of freezing cold to wake you up to the realities of keeping lots of plants and animals alive.

Last Week for Green Beans!

Jason harvested all of our sweet potatoes before the frost killed the vines (which would have ruined the tubers). He also picked the very last of the green beans and a couple handfuls of the last cherry tomatoes (those we’ve already gobbled up). This will be the last week for green beans at the Corner Farmers Market! If you’ve been enjoying our fresh and tasty Jade green beans, come on down on Saturday to get your last bunch for the year.

3 Weeks Till Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is only 3 weeks away! Now is the time to reserve your holiday duck and roasting chicken. Go ahead and grab those pasture raised, non-GMO fed birds by heading on over to our website,, to reserve today! Or you can simply click on the blue buttons below to reserve.

Reserve a Thanksgiving Duck!
Reserve a Thanksgiving Chicken!
Copyright © 2023 KW Homestead, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
KW Homestead
1839 Dillard Road
Madison, NC 27025

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Sampling Saturday @ the Market & Anise Hyssop

Sampling Saturday @ the Market & Anise Hyssop

This week we are sharing photos of what’s happening at the farm, getting ready to celebrate the twins’ third birthday, and getting excited about tomorrow’s Sampling Saturday event at the Corner Farmers Market! We’ll have a special sample and plenty of our other vendor friends will have samples too!

We hope you’ll join us tomorrow at The Corner Farmers Market for chicken eggs (one of our farm black snakes gives them a 5 ⭐ review… Scroll down for more info), duck eggs, veggies, edible plants, duck, chicken, and more!

Happy National Farmers Market Week!

This week is National Farmers Market week, and we can’t miss the chance to give a great big shout out to the amazing neighborhood farmers market that we were lucky to find 8 years ago when we first started our homestead journey. The Corner Farmers Market has been our home away from home for all of these years, and our kids have been there with us since they were born! We love our farmers market!

Anise Hyssop & Samples!

This week our plant feature is anise hyssop, and this Saturday we’re bringing plants for you to taste and sample at the Corner Farmers Market! We’re excited to be participating in the market’s first ever Sampling Saturday event along with lots of our other vendor friends.

Here’s what you need to know about the awesome anise hyssop plant:

It’s a native, perennial wildflower with edible, medicinal, and pollinator value. The blue summer flowers are highly preferred by native bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds. Finches also love to eat the seeds in fall!

Anise hyssop is easy to grow in the sun and will tolerate some shade. It has an anise/licorice flavor and can be eaten raw—as an addition to salads—or added to cooked dishes for a unique flavor.

It is often used medicinally in teas for cold/flu relief and for it’s pleasant minty/licorice flavor when steeped. It also can be dried for potpourri.

We are growing the very ornamental variety, called Golden Jubilee that has a chartreuse leaf color and a coleus-like look. The blue flowers really pop with the contrast!

Homestead Apple Update

Arkansas Black is a late ripening apple variety, and we’re getting excited to eat these plentiful fruits later in the season when they’re ready!

It’s an heirloom apple that stored really well, and even makes great cider! It’s sweet with a little tartness, and it’s crisp. 😉

Happy 3rd Birthday to the Twins!

Join us in wishing Theron and Ygritte a super happy 3rd birthday (which is coming up this Monday). 😄 We can’t believe it’s already been 3 years.

An Egg Thief!

Hello there, friend! Yesterday we found this beauty in one of our chicken nests, and she had already swallowed 2 eggs at least, maybe more. Check out the 2 very visible lumps in her body!

Because our egg operation produces around 60 eggs a day, we’re not worried about her eating a couple eggs periodically. The benefits she brings our farm like rodent control and copperhead deterrent far outweigh the price of a couple eggs.

Did you know… Even though rat snakes don’t kill copperheads, one theory is that because black rat snakes look like black racers and kingsnakes which do hunt poisonous snakes, copperheads try to stay away!

With these cool snake facts in mind, we hope you’ll join us tomorrow at the Corner Farmers Market for chicken eggs (this snake gives them a 5 ⭐ review).

Aloe Plants, Garden Fertilizers, & Tips for Battling Japanese Beetles!

Aloe Plants, Garden Fertilizers, & Tips for Battling Japanese Beetles!
🌿 This week we are excited to be bringing in the green beans! Our Jade green beans were a big hit last year and we’re excited to be sharing them with you again this year.

🐓 This week our plant feature is on the aloe plant… Perhaps the easiest to use medicinal plant around!

🌳 Looking for organic ways to battle the Japanese beetles? Read on…

🦆 It’s also time for fertilizing your fruit trees and during your fall garden prep! We have organic fertilizers that make growing even better!

🥬 You can also find garlic, potatoes, and greens at our table tomorrow at the Corner Farmers Market, plus chicken eggs, duck eggs, goose eggs, chicken, duck, berry bushes, fruit trees, herbs, and more!

Aloe—The Savior of Summer!

If you’re planning on any outdoor summer fun this season, we recommend growing your own aloe plant. Long used for sunburn and burn relief, the gel inside aloe is widely regarded as an anti-inflammatory and moisturizer.

It’s a great house plant, and super easy to grow. It’s one of the easiest medicinal plants to use–simply snap off a piece and apply!

We’ll have aloe in tow this Saturday at The Corner Farmers Market … Catch us there!

Time to Fertilize!

Now is a great time to add fertilizer to your vegetable and fruiting plants! Plants that are producing right now would benefit from the extra nutrients and it’s also not a bad idea to start thinking about prepping your fall garden beds!

Come find us at The Corner Farmers Market to grab your organic garden fertilizers and special supplements for animal and plant health. Here are a couple of this year’s offerings:

🪴 Garden Mix—all-purpose, balanced, organic fertilizer for vegetables, fruit trees, berry bushes, and house plants
🪴 Bio-Char Mix—compost, bio-char, and mycorrhizal fungi, used as a soil health and fertility booster

Organic Bug Prevention

Japanese beetles can some major damage to fruit trees—they can make beautiful, frustrating, lacy holes in the leaves, sometimes defoliate the entire tree, and even eat the fruits. So frustrating!

But, since we’re working with “beyond organic” standards, a chemical pesticide is not for us! If you’re gardening or farming with this same consideration, here are a few tips to help you battle the crazy Japanese beetle infestation that we’ve been battling lately…

🪲 Apply neem oil to both the foliage and beetles, making sure to apply it at the right time of day. Doing it midday can scorch the leaves, so right before dark is a good time. Neem also can also harm beneficial insects, so being selective about application is important!
🪲 Beetle traps available for purchase may be somewhat effective but they should be placed somewhat away from your plants, plus, finding traps can sometimes be difficult during infestation season!
🪲 Good old fashioned bug squishing is certainly an option! A little gross and also time consuming, but also effective! This is best done in the morning when the bugs are a bit sluggish.
🪲 Soapy water! Spraying soapy water on the bugs can be effective, or you can head out to your trees in the early morning to shake the bugs off of the trees in mass into a bucket filled with soapy water. Why soapy water, you ask? A little bit of soap breaks the surface tension of the water, ensuring that the bugs are pulled under the water.

Hardneck Garlic

We have gourmet garlic! Hardneck garlic has gourmet flavor and a different flavor profile than the usual softneck garlic you find in stores! Come on by and try some for yourself.

Buy 2, Get 1 Free On Annual Flowers & Herbs! Plus, 4 More Sales This Week!

Buy 2, Get 1 Free On Annual Flowers & Herbs! Plus, 4 More Sales This Week…
In case you missed last week’s awesome sales, we’re continuing the same sales again this week and adding in another special sale on annual flowers and herbs! Check out the list of sales we’re running this week—a total of 5 sales!

🌸 Buy 2, get 1 free on annual flowers and herbs (complete list below)
🌱 $4 off of sweet potato slips (for planting)
🧅 $4 off of onion sets (for planting)
🥔 $4 off of seed potatoes (for planting)
🪴 4 for $10 on seed packets (this means you save $4)

We’re also back with plenty of chicken eggs, duck eggs, and even goose eggs! We’ll have loads of delicious potatoes, garlic, as well as lots of growing and green herbs and edible plants. We hope to see you tomorrow at the Corner Farmers Market from 8am-12pm (2105 W. Market Street, Greensboro).

Buy 2, Get 1 Free On Annual Flowers & Herbs

Buy 2, get 1 FREE on annual herbs and flowers!

This week we’re getting you a free flower or herb when you purchase 2, so come ready to browse! This sale includes the following annual plants:

🌸 Dahlia
☘️ Basil
🏵️ Geranium
🌱 Vietnamese Cilantro
💮 Celosia
🌿 Parsley
🌺 Begonia

Stop by and see us tomorrow The Corner Farmers Market to take advantage of this sale (and the other summer sales that we’re running this week!

$4 Off: Seed Potatoes for Planting

We have multiple varieties of potatoes available this year—some have yellow skin and flesh, some are purple, and still others are multicolored! All of them are amazing in their own way. This week’s seed potato sets are $4 off in honor of the Fourth of July! Now is the latest time to plant potatoes for a fall harvest… So get planting while you can!

$4 Off: Sweet Potato Slips—Last Chance to Plant!

Right now it’s the last chance to plant sweet potatoes in order to get a fall harvest! We still have a variety of sweet potato slips available, and they’re on sale this week…

Plant sweet potatoes 12-16 inches apart in rows that are 3-4 feet apart. Plant them deep, leaving 1 or 2 leaf nodes above the ground and water them well for the first week to establish!

Sweet potatoes are easy to grow with high yields. Their greens are edible and a great summer spinach substitute! Dig the potatoes when they reach the desired size—after around 3 months or before the first frost.

We’re selling them in bundles of 3 (of the same type) and you can mix and match bundles of 3 to grab a handful of each variety. This week bundles of 3 are only $4!

$4 Off: Onion Sets for Planting

We have red, yellow, and white onion sets for planting! They each have different flavor profiles and when mixed together the different onion colors make a beautiful rainbow in your salad! 😉

It’s not too late to plant onions now for green onion and scallion harvests!

Sale on Seeds—4 for $10 (4 for the Price of 3)

There is still plenty you can plant in your summer and fall garden, and we still have a lot of seeds in stock to get you going. Come by and browse our seed selection or ask for tips on what is best to plant right now!

Sale Cooler is Back! + Seasonal Eating, Carrots, Sunchokes, Cilantro, & More!

🧺 We can’t wait to see you tomorrow at the Corner Farmer’s Market… The weather will be sunny and all 5 of us should be there. We can’t wait to see you so drop by from 8am-12pm. This week’s veggies include:
🥬 Spicy mix
🥬 Salad mix
🥔 Sunchokes
🥕 Carrots
🌿 Cilantro

‼️ This week the sale cooler is back, filled with broth and pet snack goodies. Come on by our table to rummage through the sale cooler and find out what treats are hidden inside!

🍁 In this week’s email we’re chatting about seasonal eating and sharing some insights about farming and gardening during the winter. Ever wonder about the life of a farmer over the lean season? Read on to find out…

Sale Cooler: Broth Bones, Pet Bites, & More!

The sale cooler is back! Join us at The Corner Farmers Market this Saturday and rummage through our sale cooler!

You can find broth bones and supplies, pet snacks, little meat tidbits, and more!

Seasonal Eating—Our Human History

You’ve probably heard of seasonal eating—eating food that is recently, locally harvested. Seasonal eating also includes storing some foods for later consumption but taking advantage of the ripening seasons of various fruits, and vegetables and enjoying their abundance when they yield during the year.

Seasonal eating is more than just a modern fad, it’s our human history. In the pre-modern, pre-refrigeration era, it was the only option, and taking of advantage of resources during their harvest seasons was a matter of survival. Winter was always a lean time—a time to eat stored and preserved foods and a time to look ahead eagerly to the first greens of spring!

The first greens of spring are still, to this day, celebrated in many cultures and carry economical and cultural importance, so much that these greens occupy a nearly magical place in societies. First greens like fiddlehead ferns in New England, hostas in Japan, and the famous and beloved ramps of our region (Appalachia) herald the beginning of the season of bounty and the end of the lean times and of scrappy survival.

Farmers know this cycle all too well, and even in our global, agricultural economy folks who choose to support their local farmers also know the cycle and see it in action. Right now at our table and at the farmers market, veggie selections are lean and most often you find tubers like sweet potatoes and carrots that store well from fall harvests. Some greens are available, but growing these requires a lot of extra care and time compared to growing the same crop in the fall or spring!

Right now at the Corner Farmers Market you can also find lots of preserved foods—foods that lock in the vitamins and minerals of spring crops that aren’t available right now. In human history, some of the greatest culinary delights have been born from discovering new ways to preserve foods over winter—like fermenting, drying, salting, making jams, and even confit meats. Products like frozen grass fed beef, and pasture raised chicken, pickles, goat cheese, jams, dried teas, and more are all available right now at the market in this middle-of-winter time and can carry us all through until the first greens of spring arrive!

If you’ve ever stopped by our table at the market, we thank you for bearing with us in the lean times and joining us on this seasonal eating adventure!

Winter Farming: The Inside Scoop!

As you all know, winter is always the leanest of time for fresh, local food. The vegetables that we are harvesting now were planted in the fall and overwintered, since vegetables are difficult to grow in the winter months because of short daylight and cold temperatures. For example, the carrots that we harvested for Saturday’s market were planted in September and the greens that we’ve been harvesting were planted as early as October-December.

Overwintered vegetables often bolt and go to seed around this time because of day length, changing temperatures, and other factors, which is another complication! In the colder temperatures vegetables are protected with row covers but sometimes frigid temperatures destroy an entire crop, and there’s nothing a farmer can do. When you support local farmers in the winter, you’re supporting an effort that takes nearly twice as long as vegetables grown in the spring and summer, with a few more challenges along the way. We appreciate you so much for that! ❤️

Sunchokes are a special winter treat because they can be harvested now and throughout the winter, so that we have fresh, unique tubers to enjoy before spring. Microgreens are also a fun, nutrient dense option for those of you interested in growing your own. We offer seed starting kits with LED grow lights that can make this dream possible, and since microgreens are grown inside, winter conditions don’t affect their productivity.

Now is also a time for consuming meats raised during the growing season. We raise our pastured birds only in the growing season—not over winter. The birds are harvested after consuming lots of plants and seeds, processing nutrients that fortify and enhance the meats. Time spent on pasture and in the sun make our pasture birds an excellent option over the lean winter time!

Now on the farm, is also the season for pruning, planting, and planning for the spring. We’re planting some spring crops and plotting out the entire year—what we’ll grow and raise and adapt and add. We’re also pruning fruit trees to maximize their tree health and crop yield. If your fruit trees are in need of pruning, now’s the right time! Contact us here or via email at to schedule your pruning.

How to Grow Your Own Food & Shop Local in 2023!

How to Grow Your Own Food & Shop Local in 2023!

Happy 2023, everyone! We were excited to ring in the new year and we’re excited to be back at the Corner Farmers Market this Saturday from 8am-12pm. We’ve missed you oh so much!

If any of your New Year’s resolutions involve growing more of your own food, eating healthier, or supporting your local food economy, we can help you out with that! All of our meat is pasture raised, truly free range, and non-GMO… Always! 🐓 And all of our vegetables are grown with beyond organic practices. We also offer a wide variety of edible plants and seeds to get you growing in the new year, and if you’re not sure where to start—talk to us and we can help you out!

It’s also the middle of the cold and flu season and now is a great time to boost your immune system with some homemade broth. Saturday at the Corner Farmers Market we’ll have necks, backs, feet, and heads for making your own bone broth! Bone broth is excellent for boosting intestinal health, and rebalancing your gut biome (especially important after all of the holiday binging). 🍵

Start your New Year off right with real, live liquid luck (bone broth) and grab salad greens and pasture raised duck and chicken! Swing by and see us tomorrow, starting at 8am! 🥬

Healthy Meat for a Healthy Life!

Since 2013, we’ve been raising pastured poultry for our family and for yours! If you’re jumping into 2023 with a fresh eye for health and nutrient dense foods, or if your resolution is creating a smaller footprint on earth or growing more of your own food, we’d love to help you start out 2023 by getting some of these resolutions in your life! We’d love to see you at The Corner Farmers Market this week—so come on by on Saturday and chat with us about jumping into the new year with fresh vibes for a new you!

Here’s Why Our Meat is Simply the Best…

Interested in Growing More of Your Own Food in 2023?

Each year food prices increase, so we aren’t surprised if you’re planning on growing more of your own food in 2023! Whether you plan to install a completely new garden, add on to your already existing beds, or even start your very own fruit tree orchard, we’d love to help you out. We offer edible landscaping consultations which allow you to develop your vision of your edible landscape! We also have seeds, fruit bearing plants, and tips and tricks for getting growing! Ask us more this Saturday at the market or shoot us an email!

Supporting Your Local Food Economy Means So Much!

We’re sure that you’ve heard the phrases “shop local,” “eat local,” and “support local  business” plenty of times! Most folks acknowledge that supporting local businesses and local farmers is the way to go, but it’s hard to explain the myriad positive impacts that keeping it local does for farmers like us and for our community. If your New Year’s resolution has anything to do with increasing your local business patronage, we thank you! Without customers and friends like you, our small family farm would cease to exist. By considering small farmers when you buy veggies, meats, seeds, plants, and more, you’re making a huge difference in our everyday business endeavors. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

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