Our very own bacon, and yes, we’re excited!!!
A few months ago we talked about making homemade sausage on our Facebook page, and we have enjoyed eating that delicious sausage for breakfast, and in soups and casseroles. We will run out soon, so we decided to break out the bacon.
Some of our bacon was cured with salt and some with salt and brown sugar. The meat/fat/skin was cured in our fridge in bags and frozen unsliced in medium-sized sheets.
It was very exciting to slice the bacon… We decided to slice some pieces as thin as we could and leave others thicker. All of the pieces cooked up well, and the crunchy skin on each piece was amazing!
If you look at the image below, you can see the pinker meat, the layers of white fat in the middle, and the thick layer of skin on the outside edge. This is how bacon should be…!