this is a partial post… simply to explain why i don’t have the time to write more today. some of the reasons are listed in the title but there are others as well…

we’ve just been so busy!!! which is, of course, a good thing. but also a tiring thing.

we’ve both worked everyday the last two weeks with weekends filled with volunteering at my school’s garden and inoculating shiitake mushroom logs. after work we do our chicken chores and then this past weekend we moved our chicken pen and dug 16 large holes for planting our fruit trees that just came in the mail (yay!). we’ve also been moving and soaking our inoculated mushroom logs and today after work i stacked and labeled the logs to better layout a future soaking schedule. jason planted cabbage and broccoli.

not to mention, i finally got to clean the house on saturday for the first time in like, a month, and we spent last night cooking for the week.

i hope these don’t sound like complaints, because they’re not. but still, what a list!

exciting, though, because when we’re busy doing these tasks, we’re busy doing what we want to do with our lives.

and so, now… happy sleeping to all!!!

oh yeah, but first… what’s on the to-do list for tomorrow?
