Introducing… The amazing honeyberry! This plant is a new one for us this year and we’re super exciting about it. 👍🏼

Honeyberry is a non-invasive relative of the honeysuckle and has been popular in Japan for a long time! The berries have a crazy, elongated shape and a flavor that’s a bit like blueberry, a bit like blackberry, and a bit unique. 🫐

Perhaps the greatest thing about the honeyberry is how early it bears fruit! It’s a very cold hardy plant, thus easy to grow in our area… And it starts fruiting even before strawberries do—in late spring or early summer. What’s not to love? 🍓

You need at least 2 honeyberry plants in order to ensure pollination, and get ready—the blooms smell exactly like honeysuckle! 😍

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