KW Homestead

Pasture Raised Poultry & Edible Landscaping Plants Since 2013

chicken update!

ever since we lost primera, we’ve not had any luck hatching any chicks. our last try of 8 eggs were all failures, with 6 of them breaking before their hatching date (none of these were fertilized) and the other 2 never hatching (one of these was fertilized but it never fully developed).

since primera’s story was a sad one for us, it was amazing to visit my parents and see a little barred rock chick that is from our flock. this chick was hatched and raised by one of my dad’s broody buff orpingtons, and he (still not sure if it’s a future hen or a rooster) is doing wonderfully! he is, of course, rex’s son and also the son of one of our barred rock hens. this means he is unlike primera somewhat, who was a barred rock/buff orpington cross.

rex's progeny: first chick!

rex’s progeny: first chick, with mom standing by!

another chicken update that we have is that we’ll be acquiring 9 more bantam hens from my dad very soon. these hens are a beautiful golden/orange/black and they haven’t even started laying yet. it will be exciting to have more bantam eggs and i’m sure roosty will love having some younger hens in his flock. we’ll be moving the bantams to a separate pen in the next few weeks, where they won’t have to deal with the standards. roosty hasn’t yet been given the chance to reign as protector of a flock, and he’s a great little rooster so i’m really happy for him to have his chance without rex bullying him and his ladies.

the bantam hens that we'll bring home soon.

the bantam hens that we’ll bring home soon.



  1. Rex’s baby is so cute!!!!

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