We currently have a small flock of Cayuga ducks for sale. About 15 ducks (females) and 3 drakes are available for your family!
The Cayuga duck is a heritage breed that has been recognized by the American Poultry Association since 1874. The breed is an American breed, originating in New York state. They are prized for their plumage… They have black feathers that are iridescent green, purple, and blue! Such beautiful birds!
They are a duck unlike other ducks. As they age (even during their first year) and they loose feathers and grow new ones, their feathers grow back white (like an aging human!). Often by the end of their life span, they are all white, with black beaks and feet. Males are a little larger than females, and they have a curly tail feather that females do not have. Males are also much quieter (sometimes voiceless), and the females are thought to be less noisy than other common breeds of ducks like the Pekin.

A Cayuga drake (back) and duck (front). Photo courtesy of www.purelypoultry.com
Their eggs are black or gray, and the pigment generally fades as the laying season continues. By the end of the laying season and as the years go on, your Cayuga duck might be laying eggs that only look off-white in color.
With all this information, you may be wondering…
Why Should I Raise a Few Back Yard Ducks for My Family?
- Duck eggs are more nutritious than chicken eggs.
- Ducks are easy to keep in a fenced backyard. They can only fly a few feet high, unlike chickens. They are also super easy to herd from place to place, like sheep. They often think as a unit and like to hang out with other duck buddies.
- They are great for gardens because they do not scratch up your ground or yard. They simply mat the grasses down as they walk around.
- They are great for pest control. They love slugs, bugs, and even larger critters!
- Males are not aggressive, like roosters. You can have a small breeding flock of ducks without worrying about a rooster attacking you or making tons of noise!
So, now you’re interested in having some ducks of your own. Fantastic! But now you might be wondering…
What Do I Need to Care for My Ducks?
- A space to close them in at night to keep predators away. Preferably not a house, since they much prefer to be under the open sky with a small rain cover. The rain doesn’t bother a duck, of course!
- Duck food! We sell the Non-GMO Feed that we use for our laying flock. Ask us about it!
- Lots of water! Ducks not only drink a lot of water, but they also love to play in it. We recommend a nipple water system for drinking (so they don’t get it dirty) and a baby pool for playing in!
- A place to lay eggs. Some cozy straw laid out in their enclosure should suffice. Ducks tend to lay in the early hours of the morning so you should find your eggs when you go to let them out each day!
Who wouldn’t want some family ducks, am I right?
If you’re interested in purchasing Cayuga ducks from our homestead, email us (ourochreway@gmail.com) or give us a call (336.419.0724)! Cayuga heritage ducks are $30/bird.