KW Homestead

Pasture Raised Poultry & Edible Landscaping Plants Since 2013

Category: our thoughts (page 8 of 13)

Slow Food, Sweet Taste

When it comes to homesteading, the balance between quality food and cost efficiency is the biggest consideration. Factory farming is a huge industry, and it’s super easy for them to turn a profit since they’re raising low-quality products (in inhumane ways) with very low costs. As small farmers, the balance is more complicated, but also so important. At KW Homestead, from the beginning we made the decision that raising quality meat in humane and life-affirming ways was our top priority. Cost-efficiency is not the first thing we think about when we wake up each morning… Our animals’ quality of life is. This sentiment is reflected in the breeds we raise—all slow-growing, hardy, and/or heritage breeds.

In fact, two of the breeds we raise here on our farm are included in the Slow Food USA Ark of Taste: the Bourbon Red turkey and the Cayuga duck. The other breeds we’ve selected have been chosen because of their superior flavor and the health and hardiness of the breed. We’re proud to be your farmily’s farmers, and grateful that you love good food as much as we do! THANK YOU!

Bourbon Red Turkeys

We raise heritage turkeys rather than the standard broad-breasted variety, for many reasons. Heritage turkeys are survival fit and can reproduce naturally (unlike the broad-breasted varieties, which much be inseminated). Their normal size and body shape, much like that of a wild turkey, makes them excellent foragers and runners, allowing us to raise them on pasture and in our woods! Their meat is darker and much richer than a conventional turkey, and their flavor is amazing! The Bourbon Red variety was developed from the Buff, a historic variety of turkey known in the Mid-Atlantic States. It resulted from stocks taken to Kentucky and selected for improved meat production and a darker red color.

Red Ranger Chickens

The Red Ranger is a fast-growing breed that does an excellent job foraging and ranging around. We raise our birds for almost twice as long as most poultry farmers do, because of their hardiness and their developing rich flavor. Their well-balanced and gradual weigh gain makes them healthy enough to live well into adulthood as regular chickens! Most chicken you buy in the store (or even farmer’s markets, for that matter) is a breed called Cornish Cross. These chickens are not a similar picture of health. Cornish Crosses are a super fast-growing breed that can gain more weight than its legs can support. When this happens, they can break their own legs or simply end up too heavy to stand, living out the rest of their lives sitting in one spot. Red Rangers are a hardier breed that does well when raised on pasture, developing a rich, intense flavor unlike any chicken you’ve had before.

Pekin Ducks

The duck breed that we raise on pasture is the Pekin, a large-bodied duck that is likely the breed you’ve eaten when you ordered duck in a restaurant. The Pekin duck yields scrumptious and fatty meat, and also lives life as an average duck if they join our layer flock. Maybe of the ducks from our layer flock are female Pekins who are 2 or 3 years old. Despite their size, they sure do keep us with the little, gracile egg breeds when running to the pond, and they contribute large and delicious eggs to your weekly dozen.

Dexter Cattle

Although we don’t sell beef yet at our market locations, we have a small herd of Dexter cattle on our farm. The Dexter is a smaller-bodied breed that is easier on the land than a larger cow. They are considered a dual purpose breed, which means that they are great for both meat and milk production. Their meat has an excellent, rich flavor, and they are an overall hardy breed. Dexters tends to have less health issues, like the calving issues that sometimes trouble the meat breeds, since they are breed to be so large. Our herd is 5-strong, and ever growing. We have 2 cows, 1 bull, 1 heifer, and 1 bull calf, with more on the way next year.

Organic Fertilizers for Sale

Summer is here, and so it’s likely that your edible plants and vegetable gardens are established and thriving! Sometimes it can be really tough to know just exactly what your plants need, so we’re here to help… Soil amendments and supplements are an important aspect of healthy plants and healthy food, and many components you can make or source yourself. Leaf mulch or compost can come from your own yard, and livestock manure can be sourced from local farmers. While these additions are a great first step, we can offer our support with mineral and animal based supplements, to put the finishing touches on growing your own food. Now is a great time to stock up on what your garden needs… Scroll down for tips to determine which fertilizer is best for your soil!

Want a little in-person advice about which fertilizer is best for your garden? Swing by the Corner Farmers Market (8am-12pm) and/or the Saxapahaw Farmers’ Market (5-8pm) on Saturdays to speak with Jason about what your garden needs and to pick up the amendments that will be best for your plants.

Quick Tips to Help You Pick

—Azomite revitalizes depleted soils
—Bone Meal promotes healthy roots and early growth
—Alfalfa Meal is great for roses and vegetables
—Blood Meal is an organic source of nitrogen
—Kelp introduces trace minerals to your soil
—Our very own Garden Mix improves overall soil life and is our best all-around fertilizer

This guide below also highlights really great options for your garden: compost, manure, azomite, blood meal, etc.

Organic Soil Amendments And Conditioners For A Thriving Vegetable Garden

Garden Mix for Soil Life

Not sure about which fertilizer is best for your land? You can’t go wrong with the well-balanced blend that is our Garden Mix. Our mix contains all of the micronutrients seen above, with added worm castings. It’s completely organic and it improves your soil’s life by adding important micronutrients and trace minerals.



Evening Homestead Sounds

This video features our Red Ranger chickens settling down for the night, and the sounds of many of the other animals on our homestead: cows mooing in the distance and ducks quacking. What lovely sounds they make…

Spring 2018 Homestead Update

This time of year, things are really rocking around here. We thought we’d take this time to share with you some of the new happenings on the homestead… There’s lots to share!

  • All of our chicken and duck parts are back in stock! We’ve been working hard, herding birds from one pasture to another, to ensure that we’re all consuming the most delicious and humanely raised poultry around. Also, did you know that we have a new offering… Half-chickens?!?
  • Our Thanksgiving heritage turkeys are entering their “teenage” phase and have just discovered that their wings will take them places. This is the time when they become a little more crazy and difficult to manage… Sigh.
  • Most of our wild and cultivated edible plants are showing their true colors… The Methley plums, lambsquarter, and amaranth are looking particularly great right now.
  • This week we started experimenting with an AMAZING coffee (or tea) beverage, which has 2 duck eggs added (Don’t worry, the eggs cook in the hot liquid)! You can check out the delicious and easy details here.
  • We’ve been participating in 2 markets each Saturday, and this schedule will continue throughout summer. We’re also in the process of joining a few more Triad markets, so keep your eyes peeled for any updates about where we’ll be.

In this video, we share all of the new happenings here at KW Homestead! The turkeys are growing, all of our products are back in stock, and our fruit trees are making it big time! Plus, hear about our newest favorite breakfast treat and what we have planned for the future.

Better Than Bulletproof: Coffee Made With Creamy Duck Eggs

What if your morning coffee could give you 36% of your daily iron, 34% of your daily folate, and 168% of your daily B12?

Well, it can! Just add the yolks of 2 duck eggs and start your morning off right. All you need is your morning coffee, an immersion blender (or regular blender), and duck eggs.

Now, hold on a minute… You might be a little confused about the legitimacy and safety of adding raw eggs to coffee. Let’s explain…

First of all, adding raw egg to coffee has been around, in various cultures, for a super long time! The Scandinavians and the Vietnamese do it and have done it for generations upon generations.

Second, adding raw eggs to hot coffee doesn’t mean you’re actually consuming raw eggs. Blending the egg into the steaming hot cup of joe means that the coffee is cooking the eggs as it blends. So you’re really consuming cooked eggs with your coffee. No worries!

This is how we do it, and it’s super easy:

  1. Brew your coffee (or tea!), crack and separate the yolks of 2 eggs (you can totally do more!)
  2. Place the yolks in the deep cup that came with your immersion blender, or another deep cup or mug
  3. Pour your coffee on top
  4. Immersion blend to your heart’s content… You’re left with a foamy, creamy, and absolutely fantastic morning beverage. You can also add cinnamon, vanilla, or a bit of sugar.

Another amazing thing is… Did you miss breakfast? Well, if you did, don’t fret because you just drank 2 eggs! This is sure to get you going  in the morning and tide you over until you can find a second breakfast elsewhere. Absolutely yummy!

Methley Plum Tree @ KW Homestead

This video is a brief look at our Methley plum’s first year producing fruit for us. So exciting! The Methley is a self-fertile plum with a purple skin and purple/red flesh. We have Methleys for sale if you want a delicious, fruit-bearing tree of your own.

Dust Bathing Chicks @ KW Homestead

Our Red Ranger chicks are a few weeks old, and they absolutely love taking dust baths! Did you know that dust baths are super important? They prevent parasites such as mites and lice from finding a home in the chickens’ feathers! This video shows our awkward “teenaged” birds taking baths… Please forgive the loud goose honking that mostly covers my narration.

Free Range Ducks @ KW Homestead

This is a short video of some of our layer ducks, searching for snacks and doing what ducks generally do… Explore and eat!

Semi-Dwarf Apple Trees for Your Family

Semi-Dwarf Apple Trees are a good choice for your family and yard because they will grow to be 12-16 feet tall and will yield twice as much fruit as a dwarf-sized tree without taking up much more space! This size tree is great as a climbing tree for the kids and will yield plenty of apples for your family during apple season. Semi-dwarf fruit trees have well-anchored roots and a greater surface area to yield ratio than dwarf fruit trees. With appropriate care and pruning management, a semi-dwarf apple tree is the perfect fit for almost any yard or garden!

Semi-Dwarfs bear 4-10 bushels a year, and since there are an average of 125 apples per bushel, you’ll be harvesting 500-1,250 apples a year when the tree is mature! WHOA! Apple pie and applesauce, anyone?

This year we have 5 varieties available: Gala, Golden Delicious, Honeycrisp, Stayman, and Liberty. You’ll need at least 2 varieties to ensure cross-pollination, so talk to us to help determine what varieties work best for you.

Also, don’t forget that Jason offers planting services for your fruit trees or bushes, so you don’t have to worry about planting depth and method! He also offers on-site consultations to assess your land and help you determine the best place for your edible or fruit bearing plants. He can work with you to create an edible orchard that includes fruits and other goodies that your family will enjoy for the next decades. Contact us for more info!

Red Ranger Chicken Parts Are Back!

We raise only the best, most nutrient dense meats here at KW Homestead! All of our birds are raised outside, on pasture, free ranging around the woods and grasses. They’re supplemented with non-GMO grain and are humanely harvested when they mature.

Because we only raise pastured birds, we don’t raise birds in winter, when there’s no green pasture for them to enjoy. For this reason, we are sometimes out of stock on our more popular cuts of meat in the early spring. But never fear, all of our Red Ranger chicken parts are now back in stock! Flavorful Boneless & Skinless Breast and rich and moist Thighs are ready for your dinner table!

  1. Swing by one of our Triad market locations to grab yours today, or reserve a pack for delivery via email.

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