This week has been an interesting one… Another hurricane and power outages across the state. We hope that your family and home weathered the storm without any problems, and it sure is nice to celebrate the return of the sun. We’re celebrating the return of the sun this week in a special way—with a new product offering. Our Rendered Chicken Fat is offered in 12 oz. containers, and is perfect for pan-frying pretty much anything! Come on by The Corner Farmers Market tomorrow from 8am-12pm to grab yours.

We cook almost all of our food with chicken fat—eggs, vegetables, etc! Not only does it add a tastiness to your dishes that you didn’t even know you were missing, but it has a higher smoking point than butter! It’s great subbed for butter in a roux, added to the pastry for a chicken pot pie, or used for sautéing vegetables (any veggie shines in chicken fat).
From Pasture to Pan
We cook almost all of our food with chicken fat—eggs, vegetables, etc! Not only does it add a tastiness to your dishes that you didn’t even know you were missing, but it has a higher smoking point than butter! It’s great subbed for butter in a roux, added to the pastry for a chicken pot pie, or used for sautéing vegetables (any veggie shines in chicken fat).

Refined oils are often weird blends of many rancid oils, and bleaching agents, deodorizers, detergents, coloring, and other additives are including in what might be mislabeled as a pure, organic oil. The traceability of our product is high… You know that it came from our pasture-raised chickens straight to your frying pan.

A Healthier Fat?
We’ll let you make your own determination about how much fat you’d like to include in your diet, but there’s no denying the high levels of vitamin E, vitamin D, and choline in chicken fat. Plus, because our birds are free ranging on pasture, you can be sure that chicken fat from KW Homestead has higher levels of omega-3s than fat from birds raised indoors.