KW Homestead

Pasture Raised Poultry & Edible Landscaping Plants Since 2013

Birthday Reflections: Why I Love Living on a Homestead in the Country

Today is my 29th birthday, and I thought it would be a good (and fun) time to reflect on our almost 2 years in our house in the country…

These are just a few of the many reasons why I love living in the country on our homestead:

  • When the seasons change, you get to witness them in full color and bloom!

    Our blooming Bradford Pear; Bolt loves the spring too!


  • Where else to have our wedding except on our own land?!
    fall homestead wedding

    Our wedding.


  • That drive home from the city… When I leave the lighted ares of the world and finally get to the dark… Then I feel like I’m home.
  • Being able to use our land the way we want without anyone telling us otherwise. Gardens, animal fences, etc.

    Growing cucumbers in the garden.


    A yard full of chickens!


  • Having an entire fridge in the basement dedicated to chicken eggsduck eggs (in the future), and beer.

    Eggs and beer!


  • Having an entire freezer in the basement dedicated to venison.

    Oh, meat!


  • Having all the animals we want without thinking about city ordinances, etc.

    Those crazy geese!


  • Being able to explore all of the crazy, old outbuildings we have and search for treasures inside!
    corn crib

    The awesome corn crib!


  • Having acres and acres of land to explore.

    Walking in the woods!


  • Knowing that our children will have lots of space to explore, run, play,and grow.
  • Feeling like our project ideas are endless and boundless.
  • And many, many more reasons that cannot all be stated here…

    tree and love

    Happy at home!



  1. I love this post…I have known Jason’s
    Mom JoAnne since we were 10…the two only Puerto Rican girls in our school we bonded over stories of rural like on the island. That her son is living so close to the land makes my heart warm!

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