KW Homestead

Pasture Raised Poultry & Edible Landscaping Plants Since 2013

Author: Emma (page 18 of 36)

A Turkey Nest for Every Turkey Butt…

Our first broody turkey is still sitting on her eggs, and while we wait to see if any of her eggs hatch, we’ve given two more hens their own nests. These hens were likely the ones who wanted to share Mama Hen’s nest because they are so committed to sitting on their own nests!

We decided to turn a small, gated area inside of the turkey house into a brooding area. Originally we built this area to use as the access point to utilizing the upstairs and for storage of grains and food. Up until the other day, we hadn’t actually ever used the little area for anything, so it sat empty and sad.

Until now! The space is small and cozy but still has enough room for 5 turkey nest boxes, their own food and water, and a little foot path.
The two hens that we’ve put in there were picked based on the same requirements that I mentioned in my last post about our broody hen. In each of the 5 nests we put some decoy eggs and marked them so we would know they weren’t freshly laid. Then we caught the hens and put them inside the space, letting them choose which nest they liked best. The first hen to pick chose very quickly, and within minutes settled down on a nest in a corner made even cozier with cardboard walls. The other hen took longer to settle down. At first she seemed concerned to be away from the rest of the flock, but once we left she chose a nest in the middle of a few others nest options. She stole all the other eggs that were not under the other hen, and gathered them together in her spot.

When we returned and saw her devotion/thievery, we traded all of the decoy eggs under each hen for fresher, probably-fertile eggs. Now they each sit on 15 eggs. The eggs in each nest are marked differently so we will know if one hen tries to steal from another.


Can you see the hens? One sits so low to the ground that she is hard to see, and the other is only visible because her tail is sticking out from behind the cardboard corner. Go mamas, go!

And… Now we wait. We check on them everyday, making sure that they have enough food and water and that they continue to be committed to the cause. Sometimes when we look in their space, the hens are so low to the ground that you can’t even see them. They huddle over their future babies, already feeling protective!
It’s going to be an exciting year for baby turkeys!


Our First Turkey Nest!

We started this winter off with 15 turkeys as our breeding stock, all Bourbon Reds. They are nicely set up in their large and spacious converted shed and they have nice-sized fence that opens up into the greater woods beyond, for free ranging.

We only have 13 turkeys now–two we lost during early winter to predators in the night. The turkeys who return to their house at night are super safe (almost as safe as if they came inside to sleep with us) but two hens decided to hide and sleep deep out in the woods. Those two hens were eaten by raccoons (we think). We found them the next morning by following the feather trail. Not a pretty picture.

We are left with 3 toms and 10 hens. And we are expecting babies any day now!

They started laying eggs a few months ago, and we get about 7 eggs a day. We’ve been collecting some and saving them for incubating, which we should begin in a few days. But… For the past few weeks, one of the committed hens has been incubating some herself! She is our broody star!


Over a month ago, we noticed that she wouldn’t leave the house and she was moving around and sitting on any laid eggs she could find. After finally settling down to one corner–only leaving each day to eat and drinks–we decided to test her resolve. We went over to her and collected her eggs and she didn’t run away. We reached under her to grab the eggs and she didn’t budge. We had to pick her up and scoot her over to get the eggs!

This meant she was ready to sit on her own clutch of eggs. It seems that turkeys don’t fight you over eggs like broody chickens do, but they display the other symptoms of broodiness:

  • Commitment to one location
  • Commitment to one group of eggs
  • Turning the eggs periodically
  • Protection of eggs
    • It didn’t seem to be in her nature to worry about us, but another hen literally rolled some of her eggs to another nest, trying to steal them, and she went over and stole them back!


Currently she is sitting on 16 eggs. There were two more but they busted over the course of incubation–this is not abnormal. There are a lot of variables at play that must be in alignment in order for the eggs to hatch:

  • They have to be fertilized (let’s hope the toms are doing their job).
  • They have to have been turned properly.
  • They must have stayed warm enough.
    • While their mom’s body heat is usually enough, we have had some pretty cold nights!
  • They have to be viable.
    • Sometimes eggs won’t hatch or poults won’t live even though the other variables are in alignment. You never really know. Life is tricky!

If all goes well, a few other hens will soon prove to be broody enough to start sitting on eggs! Some of the other hens are preparing–often when we look in the house there are 3 other hens piled in next to Mama Hen, trying to help!

With luck, all of the Free-Range, Heritage Turkeys we offer this year will be born and raised of our breeding stock!


Whole Pekin Ducks for Winter!

The New Year is coming your way, and we all know that with the onset of Winter also comes the chill. What better way to celebrate the colder weather than with one of our whole Pekin ducks?

Our next batch of Pekin ducks will be the last batch for sale until Spring rolls around. So, now is the time to reserve your bird to ensure that you not only get one, but that you get the special rate that we are offering through December 6!

That’s right! If you reserve your whole Pekin duck BEFORE December 7, you will only pay $6/pound. If you reserve on December 7 or later, our standard rate applies to your duck ($8/pound).

We sold our first batch of Pekin ducks last month and since then we’ve gotten some pretty fantastic feedback. The phrases “best duck ever,” “fantastic,” and “delicious” have been used… So don’t miss out!


An oven-roasted Pekin

Our Pekin ducks are raised outside on pasture over the course of their life spans, and are fed non-GMO grain. They are humanely raised and harvested, spending their lives breathing fresh air, eating bugs, lounging in the grass, and swimming in their pool.

Check out our Pekin Ducks page for more information or email us at to reserve your delicious ducks!


How Does 4,000 Pounds of Animal Feed Sound?

We were desperately in need of animal feed for the upcoming season…


A sad, empty stairwell!

We decided that it was easier (in the long run) and better to order many, many bags of feed instead of our usual 15 or so.

And since we help supply the Triad area with non-GMO feed, we thought it was a good idea to prepare ourselves for the winter months.

We ordered our non-GMO feed from Barrier Farms, focusing on layer feed (for the laying ducks) and broiler feed (for the turkeys and next batch of Pekin ducklings that arrive before Thanksgiving) for the colder, time of sparser forage ahead.

Jason went and picked them up and then we stacked 80 bags of feed in the usual storage location…





So the next time you need local, non-GMO feed, give us a call… 336.419.0724!

Let's hope they don't slide down the stairs!

Let’s hope they don’t slide down the stairs!




3 Weeks Till Thanksgiving: Why Do Turkeys Make That Sneezing Sound?

It’s almost Thanksgiving!!!

Perhaps you are wondering more about tom turkeys and how exactly they show off for the ladies… This video explains it!

Also, don’t forget to order your heritage Thanksgiving bird today!


Clear the Way: Pigs Coming!

Our pigs have been the source of so much laughter and enjoyment over the last year. In addition to their piglet antics and the lovely birth experiences I’ve been able to witness, they do more for us than provide enjoyment!

They work for us…

And they don’t even have to try!

A few months ago we set them up in an old tobacco field on our land, that has been growing intense, thick pine trees and blackberry bushes for the better part of a decade. They have slowly moved through that field in electric fence paddocks, clearing and eating bushes and trees and opening up the earth for grass and other pasture loving plants to grow. They have successfully cleared a large enough area for us to have a new garden space next year. Exciting!


pig clearing land

Pig-cleared land.


The pigs come over to say hi!


Our Very Own Bacon!

Our very own bacon, and yes, we’re excited!!!

A few months ago we talked about making homemade sausage on our Facebook page, and we have enjoyed eating that delicious sausage for breakfast, and in soups and casseroles. We will run out soon, so we decided to break out the bacon.

Some of our bacon was cured with salt and some with salt and brown sugar. The meat/fat/skin was cured in our fridge in bags and frozen unsliced in  medium-sized sheets.

It was very exciting to slice the bacon… We decided to slice some pieces as thin as we could and leave others thicker. All of the pieces cooked up well, and the crunchy skin on each piece was amazing!


Slicing our bacon!

If you look at the image below, you can see the pinker meat, the layers of white fat in the middle, and the thick layer of skin on the outside edge. This is how bacon should be…!


Not much is better than bacon!




Thanksgiving Turkey Update: 4 Weeks Till Thanksgiving!

With only 4 weeks to go until Thanksgiving, we sure hope you’ve started thinking about your turkey plans!

We shot this video with you in mind, hoping that this funny call-and-response “Turkey Talk” might remind you to start preparing for the upcoming holiday meal!

If you’re interested in reserving your Heritage Thanksgiving Turkey from us, click here!


Pekin Duck Recipe 4: Lower Heat, Longer Time

We’ve been experimenting with Pekin duck recipes over the last few weeks, learning about the best ways to cook our new favorite meal! We want to offer you some of our thoughts about our simple recipes, in case you are new to cooking duck and wonder how it should be done. So far we’ve cooked 4 ducks in 4 different ways, and we do have our favorite techniques! The exciting thing that we’ve learned from all this cooking, is that it’s really hard to ruin duck, short of burning it. There is so much fat that the meat never dries out the way chicken or turkey does when overcooked. Knowing this should help quell your fear about cooking duck… Just go for it!

Here is the fourth recipe we tried!

Lower Heat, Longer Time (and a Pan Seared Breast): 250 degrees for 3 hours, 350 for 45 minutes, and a quick broil

First, cut out the breast! When you remove the breast before you cook the meat for any length of time, it allows you to choose your desired meat temperature/color when you cook it. This is our favorite way of dealing with the bird, since the skin gets all crispy in the pan! Yummy!

Then, score the skin on both sides so that the fat will cook out of the bird and pool in the bottom of the dish. This allows the meat to stay moist but the skin to get crispy!

Cover the duck liberally with salt and garlic powder.

Place the duck, breast down, in a dish and cook for 3 hours at 250 degrees. Then continue cooking the duck at 350 degrees for 45 minutes longer. If you desire even crispier skin, finish off the bird in the oven for a few minutes on broil.

At any point in time, cook the breast in a skillet on the stove. Cook it on medium heat, skin side down so the skin becomes crispy and the fat runs out into the pan! Cook it to the desired color (we think pink is the best)!


Taste Test:

The breast was moist and delicious, with crispy skin! It tasted like a tender cut of beef and was very pink and juicy. This was our favorite breast, since we didn’t cook it in the oven before pan searing it!

The legs were moist and falling off of the bone! These were our favorite thighs to date. Also, the rest of the bird stayed moist and didn’t dry out even though it was cooked for almost 4 hours!!

The skin was super crispy, Jason’s favorite!


Through all of this taste testing, we learned that duck can withstand a lot of weirdness and still be great! So don’t be afraid to try out your own recipes. And if you do… Let us know about them here!


Thanksgiving Turkey Update: 6 Weeks Till Thanksgiving!

With only 6 weeks left until Thanksgiving, we thought we would leave you with a video of our free ranging Heritage Turkeys enjoying their afternoon walk…

Feeding time!


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