since we recently got geese, we’ve had our share of exciting egg sightings! at first, the large goose eggs were extreme-sized, but now they seem normal to us and our chicken eggs seem tiny. this got me thinking about all of the birds that we see everyday and their lovely eggs.
of course we see our geese, standard chickens, and bantam chickens everyday and get to check out and collect their eggs first hand, but we’ve also had other bird visitors this spring. the jenny wren has come back to take up residence in the same geranium plant that they used last year and our hummingbird feeder has become a busy place! chickadees thought about building a nest on our hammock support, but have hopefully decided against it. i couldn’t resist checking out the jenny wren nest for comparison purposes!

a goose egg (left) and a wren egg (right). look at the difference! The wren egg is even smaller than the wind egg!
birds are amazing creatures! and even more amazing are the different sizes that the different species can be (and their differently sized eggs too!).
i’m gaining even more respect for birds than before… just look at the amazing variety of eggs they lay!
and don’t forget to check out our post on how to use eggs, from boiling and spaetzle-making to craft-making and deviled eggs.